Our Services

You Deserve a Better Smile

Our clinic takes pride of our comprehensive list of high-quality and reliable services at affordable prices, which include the following:

Braces (Orthodontic Treatment)

Braces is often the preferred procedure for patient who has problem with crooked, overlapping or overcrowded teeth. If you are seeking more information on the braces procedure, we would encourage you to make an appointment with our dentist to perform a teeth assessment check to gauge the condition of your teeth. With payment option of low deposit and installment payment plans, we strive to achieve a beautiful smile as affordable as possible.

Scaling & Polishing

Scaling and Polishing involves removing plaque and tartar deposits that have built up on teeth over time.Besides, if you have a problem with black stained teeth, you could consider removing stained teeth with our painless Air Flow Spa treatment.


If the teeth have decayed or damaged, we could repair the teeth with teeth fillings procedure. If the procedure is not done, decay might worsen and patient may experience dental problems such as sensitive teeth or pain.In Tooth Family, we offer tooth colored restorations or composite fillings that mimic the colour of your natural teeth.

Mouth Guards

If you are having night grinding, it may help to wear a night guard to prevent further damage to your teeth. Patient can choose to make upper or lower night guard, it is customised according to their teeth’s position.


Veneer treatment is a thin shell placed on the surface of a tooth for patient who is experiencing: Chipped tooth Gap between teeth Tooth decay Veneer treatment is to change shape or size of your teeth to improve your smile and polished thoroughly to give your smile the shine.

Crown and Bridge

It is a procedure for installing a “sheath” on damaged teeth. Dental Crown may be needed if the patient has any of the scenario below: To protect weak tooth (due to decay, after root canal treatment) To restore a broken tooth or worn down tooth To hold a dental bridge in place with another tooth To cover a discolored teeth Our clinic also provides option of crown made from porcelain, porcelain fused to metal or Zirconia.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canals are performed to treat the inside of a tooth when there is an infection or inflammation inside the tooth that reaches the pulp and nerve. Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year with a root canal treatment.


Decay or severely impacted teeth may potentially cause dental problems such as infections, swelling or pain to the patient if the teeth is not removed. Prior to the extraction, our resident dentist would check on your blood pressure before proceeding with the extraction procedure. If the patient has a high blood pressure reading, we may not be able to proceed with the procedure. During the procedure, an anesthetic is used to numb the teeth areas. Patients are advice to go on soft diet for a few days after the extraction procedure

Minor Oral Surgery

Moderate to difficult including wisdom teeth, dental implants, lesion removal and biopsy.


Teeth whitening is a procedure to restore the color of the patient’s teeth or even whiter than their natural color.We provide painless , comfortable and affordable whitening spa.


Dentures are method to replace missing teeth that can be removed and insert back into the mouth. Depending on the patient’s teeth condition, we are able to offer partial to full dentures. Beside, patient has the option to choose different types of dentures material i.e. Acrylic, Valplast or cobalt chrome.

Dental X-Rays

Dental x-rays are essential, diagnostic tools that provide information not visible during a dental exam. Our dentist use this information to safely and accurately detect hidden problems and complete an accurate treatment plan. Without x-rays, problem areas may go undetected